What are the districts required to do for retention and recruitment of teachers? How will this impact teacher hiring and retention?
The TISA Budget Proposal allocates $125M annually to increase [...]
The TISA Budget Proposal allocates $125M annually to increase [...]
During the Senate Ed Subcommittee Hearing (3/14/22), the Commissioner [...]
In TISA, “Characteristics of Dyslexia” references an existing law, [...]
Note: this question is similar to our question in [...]
Similar to questions under the ‘Base’ section, it is [...]
Undocumented immigrants are not currently eligible for TennCare. Districts [...]
We currently use direct certification to identify students from [...]
TDOE states the proposed $6,860 base would make Tennessee [...]
Note: This question is similar to our question in [...]
Note: This question is similar to our question in [...]