Note: This question is similar to our question in the TISA Analysis Tool “The TISA Press Conference referenced the $6.6B in base funding would allow Tennessee to meet nationally recommended staff ratios. How does TISA achieve this in the formula?”
- The passed TISA legislation says that the base amount includes funding for various programs and staff.
- The Commissioner shared at the K-12 Subcommittee Hearing (3/8/22) that the additional $6.6B of base funding goes to support nurses, counselors, and some for RTI. Additionally, TDOE’s TISA FAQ states there is enough money in the base to match the national recommendation for nurses and counselors.
- The Tennessee Investment in Student Achivement (TISA), similar to the Basic Education Program (BEP), is a funding allocation rather than a spending plan. While all districts with stable enrollment would see increases in formula funding amounts under TISA relative to BEP, and the funding would be more flexible under TISA than BEP (no category limits on spending with instructional/classroom/non-classroom), we can be sure that at minimum, districts will certainly not be less able to fund these staff positions under TISA than they are under BEP.
- During the the Senate Ed Subcommittee Hearing (3/14/22), Minority Leader Jeff Yarbro (D-Nashville) asked if TDOE would be willing to share the numerical calculations of everything in the base. The Commissioner shared they would. TDOE uploaded two documents, Mapping the Proposed TISA Base and Establishing the Base, but it is still subject to appropriations.