Note: This question is similar to our question in the TISA Analysis Tool “How will the base be calculated, revised, and adjusted for inflation and budget shifts?”
- TDOE’s Establishing the Base resource states they determined the base by comparing regional and Southeastern states who have student-based formulas. Additionally, the Commissioner shared at the K-12 Subcommittee Hearing (3/8/22) that they redirected all BEP funding into base except for components related to direct funding and weights and translated the 46 BEP components into 120 requirements under TISA. TDOE’s TISA FAQ states that components like salaries, materials, operation, and system supports, as well as other supports (e.g., Coordinated Student Health) are included in the base. Approved House Amendment 16859 & Senate Amendment 16479 (p. 2) both include introductory language on what is included in the base.
- A higher base and lower weights generally mean that districts would receive more similar amounts of funding, while a lower base and higher weights mean that districts would receive more differentiated funding based on their students’ needs. It is important to note that any increases or decreases to the base or weights could affect any of the other proposed funding initiatives without additional funding. TDOE states that they decided to fund a higher base to provide for basic needs and to be competitive with regional and national peers.
- TDOE states the proposed $6,860 base would give Tennessee the second-highest base amount in the southeast and the 12th-highest base in the country. However, it is important to note that the base is subject to appropriations. For more information on state comparisons, see FundEd’s national policy maps.