- Student weighted funding formulas are designed to be more flexible and transparent because an individual student receives funding for resources rather than a ratio. See the question under ‘Personnel’ for more information on possible restrictions to the base funding for teacher salaries. TISA eliminates the three-category spending scheme in BEP and makes all core formula funds fully flexible across use categories.
- Under TISA, LEAs are required to submit an annual accountability report with goals, budget, student achievement, and progress.
- Additionally, any school district or public charter with D or F on State Report Card may report to State Board or appointed committee on budget and student outcomes with potential outcomes below. TNSBE will promulgate rules on the process.
- LEA completes corrective action plan, and TDOE reports to the State Board
- TDOE audits and investigates district or public charter school’s programming and spending and reports it to the State Board
- No recommended action
- Additionally, TISA sets a goal for each LEA to increase 15% towards an overall 70% 3rd-grade ELA TCAP proficiency over three years and creates a Progress Review Board that may recommend an LEA complete additional training for not meeting the goal.