By joining The Alliance, you have access to:

  • Monthly Circle-up meetings – Here we will discuss new developments in education in Tennessee, hear from experts, share opportunities for action, and strategize together on key issues.
  • Alliance events, convenings, policymaker engagement – The Alliance will host regular events, often with allies convening advocates in their region. Members can also serve as expert panelists, moderators or speakers, and meet with policymakers to share our priorities and recommendations.
  • Signing on to letters and statements Members can sign on to advocacy actions but will always have a choice, and partners can express support for advocacy activities on a case-by-case basis. We welcome discussion and dialogue on our actions, looking always to build consensus and foster respect for the different perspectives our allies bring to the table.
  • Working groups – The Alliance may take on specific campaigns and issues and will form working groups to guide our strategy. They will be open to any member, may be limited in scope or duration, and will serve the larger goals of the Alliance.
  • Leadership and skill development – The Alliance will leverage our collective power while assisting partners in fulfilling their organizational missions through data and policy analyses, facilitated dialogue, professional development, and access to a strong local and national education advocacy network. We will build partner capacity and confidence, helping individuals harness their experiences and expertise to effect policy change.
  • Serving as a spokesperson for The Alliance – Members may be asked to speak to media, write Op-Eds or blogs, or testify as experts in legislative committee meetings or with policymaking bodies.