You are invited to the January installment of the Tennessee Alliance for Equity in Education’s Coffee & Community series with the Tennessee Public Charter School Commission (TPCSC).
The TPCSC was established in 2019 to serve as an authorizer for charter school operators who file for appeals for new start, revocation, and renewals, and to serve as an authorizer to any charter schools when appeals are granted. At this C&C event, we will have an intimate conversation with two of the Commission’s leaders to learn more about the composition, role, and authority of TPCSC, and what issues and priorities they will be taking on in their upcoming quarterly meeting and in 2022.
We will be joined by TPCSC Executive Director Tess Stovall, who previously served as the Director of Charter Schools for the Tennessee’s State Board of Education. We will also be joined by TPCSC Commission Member Wendy Tucker, who also currently serves as the Director of Policy at the National Center for Special Education in Charter Schools. The conversation will be moderated by our fellow Alliance partner, Venita Doggett, Director of Advocacy at the Memphis Education Fund.
We hope you can join us to learn more about TPCSC, ask questions, and discover how we can best advocate and engage for equitable access and outcomes for students in charter schools across Tennessee.
This event is for Tennessee Alliance for Equity in Education members only. To become a member, visit